11 Podcasts for Digital Advertising Professionals 

The world of advertising is ever-changing and constantly evolving. No wonder the trends you knew five years ago can barely be useful today. Any promotion strategy depends drastically on changes in society, technology, consumer psychology, and other factors. 

You can succeed in this unsteady world of digital marketing and create effective ads only if you keep up with urgent matters, and this list of the best advertising podcasts can help.

3 Benefits of Podcasts

In recent years, online podcasts have become a significant vehicle for sharpening the saw. In fact, more than half of Americans have listened to at least one podcast.

Podcast growth in US - Statista chart

Here are several reasons podcasts are growing so fast:

Podcasts are accessible. As a free and convenient way to consume information, podcasts have become life-saving for folks during the worldwide quarantine. If you want to study a new topic or improve your current skills, you can do that anywhere you are. 

Second, they are easy to fit into your daily routine. If you have a task that does not require much attention, you can listen to a podcast while performing it.

Third, there is a huge variety of topics that podcasts cover. While tv, radio, and streaming music services are primarily for entertainment, podcasts offer a great medium for professional and personal education from the best minds in the industry. You can get information nearly on anything you want to discover or implement in your life.

Finally, video podcasts are becoming more popular. Although most people still listen to audio-only podcasts, video is on the rise. This is due in part to platforms like YouTube and Instagram, which make it easy to watch video content. And as more people consume video content on their phones, it stands to reason that video podcasts will continue to grow in popularity.

With so many podcasts to choose from, it is easy to get lost and confused. For those who use ads actively in their business, we have compiled the 11 most informative and helpful podcasts on digital advertising.

11 Best Podcasts for Digital Advertising Professionals

  1. AdExchanger Talks

    It is a must-listen podcast series for those who want to keep up with current digital advertising trends and the world of marketing in general. AdExchanger allows you to discover the latest news from the world of digital promotion first-hand. The leading trendsetters share their approaches to advertising and give you keys and solutions that you can implement in your strategy.

  2. The Big Story 

    As we have mentioned previously, advertising is a field that is highly dependent on social, technological, and political changes around the globe. The Big Story is another podcast series by AdExchanger, where you can listen to discussions on the latest news, key digital advertising insights, and contexts. You can listen to their weekly episodes via various channels. 

  3. Salad: The Advertising Podcast

    A curious title and an eye-catching cover of this podcast series look like an attractive salad topping. These guys will let you reveal the key ingredients you need for a perfect ad. Join the podcast on a preferable platform and discover round-table discussions and interviews on digital advertising.

  4. Behind the Numbers

    One specific feature that distinguishes Behind the Numbers from other podcast shows is its commitment to facts. Held by eMarketer, this series is not about dull figures. Digital experts find out how to apply key findings by leading marketing analytics. 

  5. The MadTech Podcast

    If you are already familiar with the basics of digital advertising, know what is SEO, and why you need a guest blogging site list, here is a chance to go a step further. This podcast series by ExchangeWire covers narrow topics and details of digital marketing, giving you a more specific insight. 

  6. The Local Marketing Trends Podcast

    If you have ever been interested in digital advertising statistics, such names as Corey Elliott and Gordon Borrell should definitely ring a bell. If you are into local media, you will like their podcast. The two analysts share their predictions on local media, marketing, and advertising, and discuss current trends with special guests.

  7. The Digiday Podcast

    Every week, you have an opportunity to listen to a great story behind digital advertising. The discussions on the Digiday Podcast show are made primarily for brands and agencies that go enter the digital era. A delightful addition to the content of the show is their website design with a heartwarming illustration covering each episode. 

  8. Advertising is Dead

    Varun Duggirala, co-founder and content chief at The Glitch, invites digital marketing professionals to give you a fresh look at advertising as it is. Every week, you have a chance to get a deeper understanding of content making, branding, media, and advertising,

  9. Marketing School

    Even if you are completely new to the world of digital advertising, Meil Patel and Eric Siu are two gurus that you will meet sooner or later. The episodes on their podcast show last 4 to 10 minutes. These are daily chunks of concentrated information about the latest digital marketing trends and tactics.

  10. Everyone Hates Marketers

    The title of this podcast show is quite loud, but at the same time reflects its content. In the world of annoying and thus ineffective advertising, it is crucial to know the right way to communicate with your audience. This is a very practical podcast series that teaches you how to get the most out of your advertising. Additionally, there is a transcript for every episode available on the website. 

  11. Yeah, That’s Probably an Ad

    Each 45-minute episode of this podcast series is a discussion between marketing professionals who debate the essential things that imply advertising. Learn new opinions on creativity, technology, media, and other things that accompany digital advertising.

These podcasts are proven popular with digital advertising professionals and may help you step up your marketing game. Hopefully, you can choose the one you like the most and feed the piggy bank of advertising insights! 

Interested in other AdOps and AdTech-focused podcasts? Check out this mega-list of AdOps training and resources.

Combine these podcasts with blog posts, digital events, and courses to become a pro in your field. Interest in starting a podcast for your publication? Check out this article on "How to Start a Podcast".

About the author:  Marie Barnes is a journalist, freelance writer, and editor. She has worked with major publications and traffic-driving sites such as Adsy.  Marie enjoys challenging freelance projects. Her love for traveling motivates her to explore the world.


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