6 Reasons to Choose Admiral as a Consent Management Platform (CMP)

Rashmita Behera Rashmita Behera | August 12, 2024 | data privacy

No CMP, no ads.

As of early 2024, Google has mandated that publishers serving ads to users in the EEA and UK must use a Google-certified Consent Management Platform (CMP) that complies  with TCF standards. With full enforcement in place, having an effective CMP is more crucial than ever to ensure compliance and maximize your ad revenue.

Create a GDPR Consent Message

While most publishers have implemented CMPs, many still struggle to maximize opt-in rates, as visitors often click 'reject all.' This challenge makes it difficult to monetize visitor traffic effectively. Admiral’s unique visitor engagement strategy can help overcome this hurdle.

In this article, we’ll explore six reasons why Admiral CMP is the best choice for boosting opt-ins and ensuring it pays for itself.

1. Quick and Easy Installation

Installing Admiral's CMP is straightforward. Simply place the Admiral tag in your website's head code, configure your CMP, and you're ready to go.

Admiral's intuitive system ensures that both seasoned publishers and those new to consent management can set up the CMP quickly. With clear instructions and minimal technical requirements, your CMP can be up and running in minutes, not hours or days. Launch specialists are available to guide you through the dashboard and answer your questions. You’ll also have access to our extensive knowledge base and tutorial videos for quick assistance.

Admiral provides ongoing support to ensure your CMP remains effective and up-to-date. The ease of installation and comprehensive support means you can focus more on creating content and engaging with your audience, rather than getting bogged down by technical details.

2. Revenue-Centric Partnership

Admiral’s CMP is integrated into our visitor relationship platform, which focuses on generating revenue, not just managing costs.

In addition to managing consent, Admiral helps with adblock recovery, paywalls, and subscription management, offering value exchange campaigns to capture valuable email addresses from visitors. This comprehensive approach ensures that you can effectively manage visitor content while benefiting from adblock recovery and subscription/paywall management tools.

In a market filled with costly CMP solutions, Admiral stands out by offering robust features at a fraction of the price, unlike expensive alternatives such as OneTrust. Admiral's compelling value proposition not only saves you money upfront but also boosts revenue potential through improved adblock recovery capabilities, ensuring a high return on investment.

Studies have shown a correlation between consenting visitors, and CMP rates in the GDPR. Using a platform such as Admiral, which can combine consent management with growing revenue, makes sense for publishers today.

3. Streamlined Operations

Managing multiple tools for consent management, adblock recovery, email collection, and paid subscriptions can complicate operations and increase costs.

Admiral's all-in-one VRM platform consolidates these essential functions into a single solution. By simplifying your workflow and reducing the number of tools and vendors to manage, Admiral helps you save time, money, and resources.

This streamlining is not just about cost savings; it’s also about improving efficiency. With fewer platforms to juggle, your team can operate more smoothly, focusing on strategic initiatives rather than managing disparate systems. This holistic approach ensures all aspects of visitor engagement are seamlessly integrated, providing a better experience for both your team and your audience.

Additionally, using a single platform across the visitor journey ensures a consistent user experience, devoid of conflicts that can occur with 4-5 vendors solving what Admiral VRM solves with a unified approach.

4. Exceptional Support With Our Customer Love Team

Launching and managing a CMP can be challenging, especially for those new to the process. Admiral’s dedicated Customer Love team provides personalized assistance from initial setup to ongoing maintenance.

Whether you have questions, encounter technical issues, or need guidance on optimizing your CMP strategy, Admiral’s managed services ensure prompt and knowledgeable support. Our team is committed to your success, offering strategic consultation to help you make the most of our platform’s features.

The Customer Love team is an extension of your own, providing the expertise and support needed to navigate the complexities of consent management. We even go a step further by supporting your visitors directly. If they face issues such as logging in, navigating around adblockers, or any other concerns, they can contact us directly. Our dedicated support helps maintain compliance and optimize your monetization strategies without the usual headaches associated with tech solutions, while also ensuring your visitors have a seamless experience.

5. Google-Certified CMP Provider

For websites serving visitors from the European Union, it is essential to use a Google-approved CMP provider. Admiral is Google-certified, meeting Google's standards to ensure compliance within its Ads ecosystem.

This certification is crucial as Google requires all publishers within its Ads ecosystem to use a Google-certified CMP to continue displaying ads. Using Admiral’s certified CMP ensures that you remain compliant with these regulations, avoiding any disruptions in your ad revenue streams.

Being Google-certified means that Admiral is recognized for its adherence to stringent privacy and data protection standards. This certification reassures your users that their data is being handled responsibly, fostering trust and encouraging more positive engagement with your site.


Admiral was one of the first 10 IAB-certified CMPs in the world and is happy to share that we’re also a Google-certified CMP provider.

List of Google-certified CMPs


6. Industry Pioneer and 9th IAB-Certified CMP

Admiral is among the first IAB-compliant CMPs, adhering to the Interactive Advertising Bureau's standards. This highlights Admiral's early involvement in the consent management business before it became a mandatory requirement.

Since 2014, Admiral has been assisting publishers in obtaining appropriate consent from visitors to display relevant ads. By utilizing the IAB's Global Privacy Platform (GPP) and Transparency and Consent Framework (TCF), Admiral establishes a robust foundation for managing user consent in alignment with industry standards.

Admiral’s long-standing commitment to compliance and privacy standards ensures that you are working with a partner who understands the evolving landscape of digital advertising regulations. This proactive approach helps safeguard your business against future regulatory changes and enhances your reputation as a responsible publisher.

Final word

Admiral’s CMP saves time and money for publishers. As the only platform focused on publishers' revenue when offering consent services, Admiral understands the stakes involved and provides effective solutions.

Get a closer look at how Admiral can benefit your business. Schedule a demo today.

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