Interested In Admiral’s GDPR Consent Management Module?

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will undoubtedly cause massive shifts in the way we operate our businesses online and interact with consumers across every digital touchpoint worldwide.

Registered with IAB Europe as one of the first certified Consent Management Platforms (CMP), Admiral offers publishers a consent management solution based on TCFv1.1 and TCFv2 standards set forth by IAB Europe.

Admiral Consent is designed to help publishers achieve GDPR compliance, protect visitor privacy, and integrate seamlessly with the company's existing revenue recovery tools to grow revenue post-GDPR.

The first blocker-aware CMP and one of few available designed under the IAB's Transparency and Consent Framework, Admiral Consent can manage both IAB and non-IAB vendors alike (including Google). Key features include:

  • One CMP to handle both IAB and non-IAB vendors, TCFv1.1 & TCFv2
  • Admiral is on the Google-approved CMP list for sites serving EU visitors
  • Single tag installation, with built-in adblocker monitoring
  • Configurable messaging and consent types to maximize transparency and conversion
  • Targeting and segmentation including location-based and site-specific traffic
  • Reporting to help monitor conversion tracking and GDPR revenue impacts
  • Cross-platform support including mobile web
  • Flexible pricing options with real live experts to speed network rollouts
  • Revenue recovery to reverse GDPR-related losses

If you’re a publisher interested in Admiral’s GDPR Consent Module, please schedule a demo:


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