Why the Death of 3rd Party Cookies Means Urgency for Subscription Offers

Since third-party depreciation began, publishers started seeking alternatives. Subscriptions became the best way for publishers to make direct money from users without involving multiple vendors. They were easy to set up and provided immediate revenue.

The global pandemic, though unfortunate, delayed the demise of third-party cookies and gave publishers time to experiment with different technologies and solutions. Without this, Google Chrome's removal of cookies would have left publishers struggling.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how the end of cookies led publishers to choose subscriptions and how you can do the same.

The End of Third-Party Cookies

Long before Google, browsers like Safari and Firefox blocked third-party cookies due to privacy concerns. Google Chrome followed suit, announcing the removal of these cookies.

In Q1 2024, Google began by removing third-party cookies for 1% of users, with the goal of eliminating them entirely by the end of 2024. However, in a recent update, Google announced that the complete removal of third-party cookies has been postponed to 2025.

This change will impact everyone:

  • No more tracking users across websites: Publishers won’t know where their users have been shopping on other sites.
  • No personalized ads: Ads will be less relevant to your interests. Ads won’t be of users interest which may lead to lower CPM.
  • Low publisher income: Lack of personalization would signal advertisers to reduce the programmatic campaign budgets leading to low overall income.

Subscriptions to the Rescue

Before cookies started crumbling, ads were king for publishers. But since Google announced the third-party cookie demise, 76% of publishers picked subscriptions.

Why subscriptions make sense without third-party cookies

  1. Personalization via first-party data: Subscriptions mean users sign up, giving you valuable first-party data like contact details and preferences. Utilizing subscriber data to provide personalized experiences and content recommendations can enhance user satisfaction.
  1. Audience loyalty: Subscriptions allow direct communication with your audience.  Keeping subscribers informed with regular newsletters, updates, and notifications about new content can maintain their interest and engagement over time.
  1. Alternative source of revenue: When third-party cookies are blocked, publishers relying solely on programmatic ads could face significant revenue loss. Google has suggested that the removal of cookies could result in a 52% decline in revenue for publishers. Subscriptions offer an alternative income stream, allowing publishers to adjust their ad strategies. Subscription revenue is generally more predictable and stable compared to the seasonality and volatility of ad revenue.

  2. Loyal subscribers deliver more value to the publisher: Loyal media subscribers can continue to fuel growth via referral incentives, providing feedback and insights, or sharing user-generated content such as reviews, comments, or articles.

Why You Should Start NOW With Subscriptions

Waiting can cost you revenue if CPMs fall when targeting is reduced.

If you wait to implement subscriptions until Google removes third-party cookies, you risk significant revenue loss. It may take some testing and time to craft the best-performing subscription offer, price point, and messaging. Publishers should start now.

48% of adblock users pay for online subscriptions. 

That’s nearly half of the adblock users you’re currently missing out on. By enabling a subscription plan on your site now, you can start monetizing these users immediately. This additional revenue is just waiting to be captured.

Developing a long-term revenue strategy.

As privacy regulations become stricter, targeted ads will face greater challenges, resulting in decreased ad revenue. It's essential to start building an alternative income stream now, and subscriptions offer a viable solution.

Own your visitor's data with more first-party data collection.

With the decline of third-party data, brands and advertisers are increasingly seeking publishers who possess robust first-party data. Reduce your dependence on other platforms for data about your visitors. Subscriptions are an excellent way to gather this valuable data, via their initial account profile, as well as ongoing data collection opportunities.

Build a Thriving Subscription Business with Admiral

Third-party cookies are fading, but your revenue doesn't have to. Admiral's subscription and paywall platform, built specifically for publishers.


Here are 5 ways Admiral makes it easy to start with subscriptions

  1. Easy offer creation for visitors
  2. Turn adblock users into subscribers
  3. Fast implementation. Immediate results
  4. Generative-AI-powered messaging and A/B testing
  5. Target the right users, at the right time with robust targeting options

Recommended articles about growing your subscription revenue:

The Cookie Crumbles: Time to Embrace Subscriptions

The end of third-party cookies is here, and publishers need a new path to success. Don't wait - start building a thriving subscription business today!

Admiral makes it easy. With our one-tag setup and intuitive tools, you can have a metered paywall and paid subscriptions up and running in just 24 hours.

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