Admiral Makes Its Annual Donation to Toys-for-Tots This Holiday Season

Biggest toy drive to date thanks to help from publishers and vendors at AdMonsters’ year end PubForum+ virtual event

Admiral’s annual tradition of an employee toy drive supporting Toys-for-Tots was made even more special this year by including publisher and vendor attendees of the AdMonsters PubForum+ virtual event that took place December 8-11 in on the effort.


Admiral Annual Toys for Tots Donation Drive

Attendees of the event were asked by Admiral to simply check-in at the Visitor Relationship Management (VRM) Company’s virtual booth to automatically add a $5 donation (matched by Admiral) to the overall budget dedicated to purchasing toys for the drive.

50+ attendees took part and Admiral ended up with a record setting figure to spend on delivering toys, holiday cheer, and hope for children and families in need.

With funds in hand, each Admiral team member was asked to remotely purchase toys online at to be picked up at a Target location in the company’s HQ city of Gainesville, FL. Playing the role of Santa, Dan Rua, CEO personally made the trip to fill multiple shopping carts with toys and smiles for local kids on Christmas morning (but not before snapping a few cool pics for posterity!)

Admiral CEO Dan Rua with Baby-Yoda for Toys for Tots


Admiral shield with Toys for Tots donation


“2020 has been a tough year for many families across the country and around the world” says Dan Rua, CEO, Admiral. “The holidays should be a reminder that there is hope for better days to come, and we’ll get there by caring for each other, and giving whenever we can”.

Thank you to all AdMonster attendees that helped this year, and Happy Holidays from the Team at Admiral.

Cat Piano and Admiral Toys for Tots donations

tool kit for Admiral Toys for Tots donations

basketball Toys for Tots Admiral donations


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