100+ ChatGPT Prompts For Media Publishers, AdOps, Audience, & Revenue

Don Don | October 02, 2023 | best practices, AI

According to SimilarWeb, 1.4 billion people visit ChatGPT each month, with the average user spending about 6 minutes and 57 seconds on the platform.

Launched in November 2022, ChatGPT is now used by many in the industry, making it highly popular. It serves as a preferred tool for content creation, brainstorming, and casual inquiries.

Likewise, digital publishers are also using ChatGPT to grow, from content creation and SEO to monetization and the refining of their paywall/subscription business model.

It's worth noting that ChatGPT' s effectiveness relies on the quality of prompts used to seek answers.

Full disclosure: Admiral has integrated ChatGPT into our Visitor Relationship Management (VRM) platform to drive revenue and greater engagement across the visitor journey.

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ChatGPT Quick Tips:

How does ChatGPT work?

ChatGPT, short for Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is an advanced chatbot created by OpenAI. It was introduced on November 30, 2022, and empowers users to shape conversations to their preferred length, format, style, level of detail, and language.

Here’s how it does what it does:

Pre-training: ChatGPT initially learns from vast internet text data. It predicts the next word in sentences, understanding language patterns without specific knowledge about the text source or tasks.

Fine-tuning: After pre-training, it adapts to specific tasks by training on relevant datasets, such as dialogue data for conversations.

Input Processing: When you input text, it divides it into smaller units (tokens), and then processes them.

Contextual Understanding: ChatGPT analyzes previous tokens to understand the conversation's context, ensuring coherent responses.

Generation: Using context, it predicts the next tokens, probabilistically selecting the most likely ones. This continues until a stopping condition is met.

Output: The generated response is returned as ChatGPT's answer.

ChatGPT lacks human consciousness or emotions. It operates based on learned text patterns. OpenAI applies safety measures but it may sometimes produce incorrect or inappropriate responses. It is important to use it responsibly and be aware of its limitations.

With that in mind, let’s look at some ChatGPT prompts for publishers:

ChatGPT prompts for Digital Publishing Business


How to optimize ad placement strategies to simultaneously boost revenue and user experience?


What are some innovative approaches to balancing content relevance with targeted advertising?


How can A/B testing methods be effectively employed for ad creatives and placements?


What data analytics techniques can be utilized to drive content engagement and ad performance?


How to create compelling native advertising campaigns that strongly resonate with audiences?


What strategies can be employed to navigate the impact of ad blockers on digital publishing?


How to leverage user-generated content for increased community engagement and ad monetization?


What are the best practices for seamlessly integrating sponsored content within editorial pieces?


How to build a successful paywall strategy that drives subscription revenue while maintaining traffic?


What methods are available to tackle the challenges of ad viewability and accurate impression measurement?


How does header bidding contribute to optimized ad inventory management and what's involved in its implementation?


What role can AI play in automating ad operations and enhancing content personalization?


What strategies exist for diversifying revenue streams beyond traditional ads and subscriptions?


How to create shareable multimedia content that significantly boosts social media engagement and ad revenue?


What approaches are effective in managing ad quality and ensuring brand safety within a dynamic digital landscape?


What potential does video content hold for higher CPMs and increased user engagement?


How does the phase-out of third-party cookies impact ad targeting and tracking, and what strategies can mitigate this impact?


How to incorporate interactive content to drive user interaction and improve ad performance?


What techniques can be used to optimize mobile ad experiences for better engagement and revenue?


How to strike a balance between content curation and original creation to sustain ongoing user interest?


What steps can be taken to minimize ad fraud and ensure comprehensive ad verification, protecting both advertisers and revenue?


What are effective strategies for monetizing podcast and audio content through ads and subscriptions?


How can the influence of partnerships be harnessed for effective content promotion and ad campaigns?


What are the crucial data privacy considerations in ad operations and content distribution?


How can content syndication strategies be employed to extend reach and drive ad revenue?


What's the process of building personalized user journeys to enhance ad targeting and user retention?


What innovative methods can be adopted in contextual advertising in preparation for a cookieless future?


How to create dynamic ad experiences using programmatic advertising techniques?


What approaches can be used to maximize engagement through interactive quizzes, polls, and gamified content?


How are virtual and augmented reality technologies being explored for immersive ad experiences?

ChatGPT prompts for Adblock Revenue Recovery Strategies


How can publishers effectively implement non-intrusive ad formats and messaging to encourage adblock users to whitelist their sites?


What are innovative ways to provide exclusive content or features to users who disable adblockers, thereby incentivizing them to support the site's revenue model?


What stats should a publisher monitor to see the impact of adblock on their site revenue, and measure the adblocked revenue recovered?


What is the ad revenue loss impact of adblocking visitors? Does it affect some content verticals more than others?


Why should publishers consider Admiral for their adblock revenue recovery solution?

ChatGPT prompts for Paywall and Content Subscription Strategies


How can publishers effectively segment their content to determine which pieces should be placed behind a paywall versus remaining freely accessible?


What are the most successful strategies for offering tiered subscription models that cater to various user preferences and budgets?


How can publishers strike a balance between providing valuable free content for audience engagement and incentivizing users to opt for paid subscriptions?


What innovative techniques can be employed to convert casual readers into loyal subscribers through compelling trial offers and limited-time promotions?


What should website publishers consider prior to offering a reader subscription option?


What role does data analytics play in optimizing subscription pricing, renewal strategies, and identifying opportunities for upselling?


What metrics should a publisher monitor to grow their paid content subscriptions?


What are effective ways to implement frictionless payment experiences and secure payment gateways that encourage users to subscribe and stay engaged?


How can publishers utilize content marketing and personalized recommendations to showcase the unique benefits of paid subscriptions and drive conversion rates?


What types of website publishers do well with a content subscription model?


How can website publishers gauge what their visitors want, to create an attractive subscription?

ChatGPT prompts for Privacy and Consent Management Strategies


What are the key considerations for online publishers when determining the types of data they collect from visitors, ensuring alignment with GDPR and other privacy regulations?


How can publishers implement granular consent options that allow visitors to choose which specific data processing activities they are comfortable with, respecting the principles of GDPR and CCPA?


What strategies can online publishers employ to educate their audience about the value of data collection, the purposes behind it, and the privacy safeguards in place, to foster trust and obtain informed consent?


How can publishers effectively manage and document visitor consent preferences, ensuring a seamless process for users to review, update, or withdraw their consent as required by privacy regulations?


What steps should online publishers take to collaborate with third-party vendors and advertising partners to ensure compliant data processing practices under GDPR and other privacy laws?


How can publishers create transparent and easily accessible privacy policies that clearly communicate data collection practices, usage, and individual rights, in line with GDPR and CCPA requirements?


What tools and technologies are available for online publishers to implement cookie consent banners, data subject request forms, and other mechanisms for visitor control and privacy compliance?


How should publishers approach data retention policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with GDPR's principles of data minimization and storage limitations while serving the needs of the digital publishing industry?


What are the potential challenges and opportunities for online publishers as new privacy regulations emerge and evolve, and how can they proactively adjust their practices to stay ahead of compliance requirements?


How do I know if my website needs a consent management system?

ChatGPT prompts for Ad Operations Strategies


How does header bidding enhance ad inventory management and optimize revenue for publishers?


What strategies can Ad Ops professionals employ to ensure seamless implementation and management of header bidding setups?


How can ad placement optimization be used to balance revenue generation and user experience across different devices and screen sizes?


What innovative techniques are available for Ad Ops teams to test and refine ad placement positions for optimal viewability and engagement?


How does A/B testing contribute to ad placement optimization and what are the best practices to execute effective tests?


What considerations should Ad Ops professionals keep in mind when evaluating the benefits and challenges of direct sold vs programmatic ad deals?


How can yield optimization strategies help publishers to make informed decisions about ad inventory allocation and pricing?


What role do dynamic ad creative optimization tools play in improving ad performance and user engagement?


How can Ad Ops teams leverage data analytics to gain insights into user behavior and preferences, leading to more effective ad yield optimization?


What steps can publishers take to implement holistic header bidding setups that incorporate both traditional and video ad formats?


How can Ad Ops professionals collaborate with sales teams to ensure smooth execution and management of direct sold campaigns alongside programmatic efforts?


What are the key metrics that Ad Ops teams should focus on to evaluate the success of header bidding implementations and ad yield optimization strategies?


How does the rise of mobile usage impact ad placement strategies, and what innovative solutions can Ad Ops professionals explore to maximize mobile ad revenue?


What techniques can be used to identify and mitigate ad fraud within header bidding setups and programmatic ad operations?


How do privacy regulations and changes in browser policies influence ad placement strategies, and how can Ad Ops teams adapt to these evolving challenges?


What considerations should Ad Ops professionals take into account when integrating native advertising into header bidding setups?


How can Ad Ops teams collaborate with technology partners to implement server-to-server header bidding and enhance ad yield optimization?


What methods can publishers employ to effectively measure and attribute viewability and engagement to specific ad placements?


How do Ad Ops roles intersect with brand safety initiatives, and what steps can be taken to ensure ads are displayed in appropriate and brand-aligned environments?


What emerging trends in ad technology, such as artificial intelligence and real-time optimization, are shaping the future of header bidding and ad yield optimization?

ChatGPT prompts for Website Monetization and Publisher Revenue Strategies


How can online publishers leverage affiliate marketing programs to generate additional revenue while maintaining content relevance and user trust?


What are innovative ways to create and market premium content offerings that attract loyal subscribers and contribute to sustainable revenue growth?


How can online publishers strategically integrate e-commerce elements, such as curated product recommendations, to enhance user experience and drive revenue?


What role does content syndication play in expanding reach and revenue potential for online publishers, and how can it be effectively managed?


How can online publishers capitalize on the growing popularity of live streaming and virtual events to monetize audience engagement and drive revenue?


What strategies can publishers employ to effectively negotiate and implement native advertising campaigns that resonate with audiences and generate revenue?


How can data-driven insights be leveraged to identify untapped niche markets and audience segments, resulting in new revenue streams for online publishers?


What are the key considerations when exploring partnerships with complementary brands or platforms to create co-branded content and drive mutual revenue growth?


How can online publishers optimize their email marketing campaigns to not only engage subscribers but also generate revenue through targeted promotions and offers?


What innovative methods can publishers adopt to diversify their revenue streams beyond traditional advertising, subscriptions, and sponsored content?

ChatGPT prompts for Content Creation Strategy


How can online media companies effectively balance the production of evergreen content with timely, trending topics to maintain a diverse and engaging content portfolio?


What innovative approaches can online media companies employ to harness user-generated content and community participation as valuable sources of fresh and authentic content?


How can data analytics and audience insights guide the content creation process, enabling online media companies to tailor content to their audience's preferences and behaviors?


What strategies can online media companies use to repurpose and repackage existing content formats, extending their reach and maximizing the value of their content investments?


How can multimedia content, such as interactive infographics, videos, and podcasts, be integrated into an online media company's content strategy to enhance engagement and audience retention?


What role does storytelling play in creating compelling and shareable content, and how can online media companies master the art of storytelling across different platforms?


How can online media companies collaborate with influencers, experts, and thought leaders to provide unique perspectives and insights, enriching their content offerings?


What editorial processes and guidelines can online media companies implement to ensure content quality, accuracy, and adherence to ethical standards in an era of fast-paced digital publishing?


How do content discovery platforms, AI-driven recommendations, and personalization techniques enhance user engagement and satisfaction with online media company content?


What are the best practices for maintaining a consistent and authentic brand voice across various content formats and distribution channels, reinforcing the identity of an online media company?

ChatGPT Prompts for Visitor Relationship Management (VRM)


What is Visitor Relationship Management (VRM), and how does it differ from Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?


What data and analytics capabilities does VRM offer to better understand visitor behavior and preferences?


How can VRM help improve visitor engagement and the overall visitor experience on our website?


What specific challenges in the media publishing industry does Visitor Relationships Management (VRM) address?

ChatGPT prompts for Fun


Write a review of [TOPIC] in the style of a 19th-century explorer who's just discovered it for the first time.


Tell me about my personality based on my birthdate: [ENTER DATE].


Act as a personal trainer and generate a [EXERCISE] workout plan for three months. I want to work out [NUMBER] times per week for [NUMBER] minutes each. I enjoy doing activities like [EXERCISES], and I don't want to do any [EXERCISES]. I have access to [EQUIPMENT LIST]. Include information on how to do the exercises. Put the results in a table with exercise names, reps, sets, and instructions.


What are some fun date ideas that I can do with a budget of [AMOUNT]? I am in [LOCATION]. My date and I enjoy [ACTIVITIES] but we don't want to [DETAILS].


Create three funny birthday card ideas, including a description of the outside, what the outside says, and the tagline on the inside.


Teach me how to do a magic trick with a deck of cards.


I want you to translate the sentences I write into emojis. Use only emojis and nothing else. The first sentence: Hello, what is your profession?


Write a short story where a talking monkey is the main character.


Provide me with a riddle or brain teaser to solve.


Explain [TOPIC] in a funny way with a story.

ChatGPT's Limitations: Accuracy and Data Security

Inaccuracies and Bias: Due to its training on vast, potentially biased internet data, ChatGPT can produce factually incorrect or biased responses, potentially conveying misleading information.

Limited Contextual Understanding: While it considers immediate conversation context, ChatGPT lacks true comprehension of the world, resulting in plausible-sounding yet superficial responses.

Vagueness and Technicality: It may provide vague responses when specifics are needed or overly technical answers when simplicity is required, posing challenges for users.

Content Filter Imperfections: Despite safety measures, ChatGPT may occasionally generate inappropriate content or fail to block all of it, making user caution necessary.

Data Security Risks: Users must avoid sharing sensitive or private information, as ChatGPT could inadvertently expose such data during interactions.

Knowledge Limitation: ChatGPT's knowledge is static, with a cutoff date (September 2021), lacking access to real-time events or information beyond that date.

Limited Real-Time Context: In longer conversations, ChatGPT may lose track of past interactions beyond a fixed token limit, affecting contextual consistency.

Data Dependency: Responses depend on the model's training data, potentially reflecting gaps or biases present in that data.

ChatGPT and Publishers: Ally or Adversary in the Battle for Traffic

ChatGPT relies on publisher data/content to provide answers. Some users now prefer ChatGPT over Google searches, potentially diverting traffic away from publisher sites.

To some, it may seem like ChatGPT is diverting publisher traffic, which raises concerns.

However, many publishers use ChatGPT to enhance content, generate ideas, and improve their offerings.

Determining whether ChatGPT is a friend or foe to publishers is complex.

What won't change for publishers is the importance of creating quality content, nurturing visitor relationships, and refining revenue strategies.

Using ChatGPT Effectively: Best Practices

Be Clear and Specific: Provide precise prompts for better responses.

Set Expectations: Clarify the context at the start of the conversation.

Avoid Sensitive Info: Don't share personal or confidential data.

Monitor Output: Verify information, especially for critical tasks.

Use as a Writing Aid: ChatGPT can assist with writing and ideas.

Engage Teaching Mode: Correct responses when needed.

Avoid Bias and Offense: Report inappropriate content.

Know Model Limits: Understand its capabilities and limitations.

Verify Compliance: Ensure legal and ethical compliance.

Use Moderation Tools: Employ content filters if available.

Experiment Cautiously: Test creative prompts with care.

Maintain Context: Refer to past messages in conversations.

Respect OpenAI Policy: Align with their use case guidelines.

Remember, ChatGPT is a great tool that complements human judgment and expertise but doesn't replace them. 

Using Generative AI to Generate Revenue

Admiral VRM has incorporated OpenAI's GPT engine into our platform to drive visitor relationships and revenue. This integration enables publishers to automatically craft conversion-focused messages and calls to action (CTAs) based on factors like page context and sentiment.

CTA message automation can then be combined with automated A/B testing sequences, to continually find and leverage the highest conversions and revenue.

Admiral’s CEO, Dan Rua, talks about “Generative AI to Generate Revenue” in this interview with Admonsters. Read here.

The ChatGPT integration is just one of the ways Admiral is incorporating AI into VRM. Another popular use if leveraging machine learning to drive real-time conversion amplification with Surge & Popularity Targeting.

Learn more about how we do this in this video:

Full Demo of Admiral VRM Platform - with First Impressions from Rob Beeler of Beeler.Tech

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