Visitor Relationship Management (VRM) Glossary: Terms, Definitions, and Examples

Rashmita Behera Rashmita Behera | August 27, 2024 | VRM articles

Visitor Relationship Management (VRM) refers to the strategies and tools used by digital publishers to manage and improve their relationship with website visitors. 

Unlike Customer Relationship Management (CRM), which focuses on managing relationships with existing customers, VRM aims to optimize how publishers engage with visitors throughout their journey on the site. 

This includes everything from attracting new visitors to nurturing ongoing relationships and converting them into loyal followers or subscribers.

A VRM glossary is essential for digital publishers as it:

  • Explains terms: Ensures everyone understands key VRM concepts.
  • Helps with training: Helps new team members quickly learn the field.
  • Improves communication: Prevents misunderstandings and ensures consistent terminology.
  • Helps with documentation: Ensures accurate and professional use of VRM terms.




Ad Density Optimization

Adjusting the number of ads displayed to improve user experience while maximizing revenue.

Reducing ad clutter by limiting the number of ads on a page, leading to higher engagement with the remaining ads.

Ad Mediation

A process that optimizes ad placement by dynamically selecting the best-performing ad networks.

Using a mediation platform to serve the highest-bidding ad from multiple networks.


Replacing or reinserting ads that were blocked by ad blockers to recover lost revenue.

Displaying non-intrusive ads to users that won't be blocked by ad blockers.

Adaptive Content

Content that changes dynamically based on user interactions or data

Displaying different headlines or images depending on visitor behavior

Adaptive Content Delivery

Delivering content that adapts to the user's device, preferences, and behavior for a personalized experience.

Automatically adjusting video quality based on the user’s internet speed.

Adblock Analytics

Specialized analytics focusing on measuring the impact of ad blockers on website performance and revenue

Tracking the percentage of visitors using ad blockers

Adblock Detection

Tools or methods used to identify visitors who are using ad blockers

Scripts that check for ad-blocking browser extensions

Adblock Recovery

Strategies or tools to regain revenue lost due to visitors using ad blockers

Offering an ad-free subscription option

Adblock Revenue Recovery

Techniques to compensate for lost revenue due to ad blockers.

Implementing a paywall, offering exclusive content, and more to adblock users.

AI-Enhanced CTA

Call-to-action buttons or messages that use artificial intelligence to optimize engagement

AI algorithms that tailor CTAs based on visitor behavior


The process of collecting and analyzing data to understand visitor behavior and improve decision-making

Google Analytics tracks visitor interactions and metrics

Attribution Modeling

Techniques used to determine which touchpoints or interactions contribute to conversions

Assigning credit to different channels that turned a visitor to a subscriber

Audience Loyalty Metrics

Indicators that measure how committed users are to returning and engaging with content over time.

Tracking the frequency and duration of visits from repeat users.

Audience Segmentation

Dividing a visitor base into distinct groups based on characteristics or behaviors to target them more effectively

Segmenting users by demographics or purchase history

Average Revenue Per Visitor (ARPV)

A metric that measures the average revenue generated per visitor. Learn to increase ARPU.

Formula: ARPV = Total Revenue / Total Visitors. Example: If total revenue is $10,000 from 5,000 visitors, ARPV = $2.




Banner Ads

Display advertisements placed on web pages, typically in rectangular formats.

A banner ad promoting a new product on a news website.

Behavior Analysis

Examining user actions to understand patterns and improve engagement.

Analyzing which pages users visit most often.

Behavioral Segmentation

Dividing users into groups based on their behaviors and interactions

Segmenting users into categories like "frequent buyers" and "occasional browsers"

Behavioral Targeting

Personalizing content or ads based on user behavior and interactions.

Showing ads for products a user has previously viewed.


Measuring and comparing performance metrics against industry standards or competitors

Comparing a website’s conversion rate with the industry average

Bounce Rate

The percentage of visitors who leave a site after viewing only one page

A 50% bounce rate means half of visitors leave after one page



Click-Through Rate (CTR)

The percentage of users who click on a link or ad after seeing it

A CTR of 5% means 5 out of every 100 ad impressions result in a click

Codeless Launch

Implementing features or changes on a website without writing code

Using Admiral's dashboard you can launch CTA to gain subscribers without having to write any code.

Compliance (GDPR, CCPA)

Adhering to regulations like GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) for data protection

Ensuring users can access, delete, or modify their personal data

Consent Management

The process of obtaining and managing user consent for data collection and processing

Providing users with options to accept or decline cookies

Consent Management Platform (CMP)

A tool that helps collect and manage user consent for data processing.

A CMP that provides a consent banner and allows users to manage their preferences.

Consent-based Targeting

Using targeting methods that rely on user consent to collect and use their data for personalization.

Serving personalized ads only to users who have opted in to data tracking.

Content Personalization

Tailoring content to individual user preferences and behaviors

Displaying articles based on a user’s past reading history

Conversion Rate

The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action

If 100 out of 1,000 visitors make a purchase, the conversion rate is 10%

Custom Values Targeting

Using specific data points to target users with personalized content or ads.

Targeting users who have spent over a certain amount of time on a site with high-value offers.

Customer Data Platform (CDP)

A system that consolidates customer data from various sources into a single database

Integrating data from CRM, email marketing, and website analytics into one platform

Customer Feedback Loop

The process of collecting and acting on customer feedback to improve products or services

Implementing changes based on user reviews and survey responses

Customer Journey

The complete path a user takes from first interaction to the final conversion or engagement

From discovering the content from search to becoming a paid subscriber.

Customer Love

The strong, positive relationship and loyalty customers feel towards a brand.

Admiral's Customer Love team helps customers throughout the sales cycle and post-sales as well.

Customer Retention

Strategies and practices aimed at keeping existing customers engaged and loyal

Offering loyalty programs or exclusive content to regular users

Customizable CTA

Call-to-action buttons or messages that can be tailored based on user data or preferences

A CTA button that changes text based on a visitor’s previous interactions with the site



Daily Active Users (DAU)

The number of unique users who engage with a website or app on a daily basis.

Tracking DAU to measure the effectiveness of a new content strategy.


A visual interface that provides an overview of key metrics and data in one place.

A dashboard showing real-time website traffic, conversion rates, and revenue.

Data Management

The process of collecting, storing, and organizing data efficiently.

Using a database to manage user information and ensure it is accessible and secure.

Data Privacy

The practice of protecting personal information collected from users

Ensuring user data is stored securely and only used with consent

Data-Driven Decision Making

Using data analytics to inform and guide business decisions

A publisher using audience insights to decide which content to promote on their homepage

Deferred Payment Options

Offering visitors the ability to delay payments for subscriptions or donations.

Allowing users to access content immediately and pay later via an installment plan.

Deferred Subscription Offers

Delaying the presentation of subscription offers until after a user has engaged with content.

Showing a subscription offer after a user has read three free articles instead of immediately on their first visit.

Digital Subscription Management

Tools and strategies for managing and optimizing digital subscriptions.

Offering tiered subscription plans with different levels of access to content.

Donation Pages

Web pages designed to facilitate donations from visitors, often used by nonprofits

A donation page with suggested amounts and recurring donation options

Donor Retention

Strategies focused on keeping donors engaged and encouraging repeat donations

Sending personalized thank-you emails and updates to past donors to encourage continued support

Dynamic Messaging

Automated messages that change based on user behavior or data

A pop-up offering a discount to a user who has spent a lot of time on a product page

Dynamic Offers

Special deals or promotions that change based on user behavior or characteristics

Offering a discount to a user who previously showed interest in buying a subscription.

Dynamic Paywalls

Paywalls that adapt based on user behavior, offering different access levels or content based on visitor interactions

Offering free articles to new visitors but requiring a subscription after a certain number of views



Email Capture

Collecting visitors' email addresses, typically through sign-up forms, for marketing or communication purposes

A pop-up form asking visitors to subscribe to a newsletter in exchange for a discount


The level of interaction and involvement a visitor has with content or a website

Metrics like time on site, clicks, shares, and comments are used to measure engagement

Exit Intent

Technology that detects when a user is about to leave a site and triggers a targeted message or offer.

Offering a discount code via a pop-up when a user moves their mouse toward the browser's close button.



First-Party Data

Data collected directly from users by a website or app owner, as opposed to third-party data

User preferences and behavior data collected through direct interactions on a website

First-Party Data Collection

Gathering data directly from visitors to your website or app.

Collecting email addresses, browsing history, or purchase behavior to tailor user experiences.

Frequency Capping

Limiting the number of times a specific ad or message is shown to a user within a given time period

Ensuring a visitor doesn’t see the same pop-up more than three times in a week



GDPR Compliance

Ensuring that data collection and processing practices adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation

Providing users with clear options to opt in or out of data tracking and offering the ability to request data deletion


Customizing content or offers based on the visitor’s geographic location.

Showing different promotions to users in the US versus those in the UK.

Goal Tracking

Monitoring specific user actions to measure the success of a website or campaign

Tracking how many users complete a purchase or sign up for a newsletter



In-line Offers

Subscription or promotional offers embedded directly within content, often in a non-intrusive manner.

Displaying a subscription prompt within an article after the third paragraph.

Incremental Revenue

Additional income generated from specific strategies or optimizations.

Generating incremental revenue by upselling premium content to existing subscribers.


Journey Builder

A tool to design and manage user journeys based on specific behaviors or data points.

Mapping out a series of automated emails that guide new subscribers through a welcome sequence.



Metered Paywalls

Allowing users to access a limited amount of content for free before requiring a subscription.

Offering five free articles per month before prompting users to subscribe.

Multi-Site Subscription Management

Managing subscriptions across multiple websites or platforms from a single system.

A publisher allowing users to subscribe to several affiliated news sites with one account.




A system that restricts access to digital content, such as articles or videos, unless the user pays for a subscription or one-time fee.

A news site offers a few free articles monthly before requiring a subscription for continued access.

Privacy & Consent Settings

Tools and interfaces that allow users to control how their data is collected and used.

A dashboard where users can manage their consent for cookies, tracking, and data sharing.

Programmatic Subscription Management

Automating the management of subscriptions, including renewals, cancellations, and upgrades.

Using software to automatically handle subscription renewals based on user preferences.



Registration Walls

Requiring users to sign up or log in to access content or features.

A news site asking visitors to register before reading premium articles.

Responsive Paywalls

Paywalls that adapt to user behavior, such as increasing restrictions based on engagement level.

A paywall that offers more free content to casual users while prompting frequent users to subscribe sooner.

Retention Strategies

Tactics aimed at keeping existing users engaged and subscribed.

Offering discounts or exclusive content to retain subscribers who are considering canceling.

Revenue Recovery

Strategies designed to regain lost revenue, often from ad blockers or canceled subscriptions.

Using ad-reinsertion to display ads to users who have enabled ad blockers.



Single Tag Installation

Implementing a single piece of code on a website to enable various functionalities.

Adding one tag that handles analytics, marketing automation, and personalization.

Smart Paywalls

Paywalls that adapt based on user behavior, offering tailored subscription options.

Displaying different subscription offers based on the user’s engagement with free content.

Social Proof Messaging

Using messages that highlight user endorsements or popular content to encourage subscriptions.

Displaying a banner that says "Join 10,000 subscribers who get our daily insights" to build trust.

Subscription Bundling

Offering multiple products or services together as a single subscription package.

Bundling a digital magazine subscription with exclusive video content access.

Subscription Migration

Transitioning subscribers from one platform, plan, or model to another.

Moving users from a monthly to an annual subscription plan with incentives.

Subscription Offer Targeting

Delivering specific subscription offers to users based on their behavior or profile.

Offering a premium subscription at a discount to users who frequently visit premium content pages.



Time-based Paywalls

Paywalls that restrict access to content based on the time spent on a site or a particular piece of content.

Offering a free article for 5 minutes before requiring a subscription to continue reading.



User Acquisition

The process of gaining new visitors or users.

Using SEO and social media campaigns to drive traffic.

User Activity Tracking

Monitoring and recording user actions on a website or app to analyze behavior

Tracking clicks, scrolls, and time spent on different pages

User Authentication

The process of verifying the identity of a user before granting access to content or features.

Logging in with a username and password before accessing subscriber-only articles.

User Consent

Obtaining permission from users to collect and use their data.

A cookie consent banner asking users to agree to data tracking.

User Experience (UX)

The overall experience a user has when interacting with a website or product.

Improving UX by making a website more intuitive and easy to navigate.

User Journey Mapping

Visualizing and analyzing the steps a user takes from first interaction to conversion, with the goal of optimizing each stage.

Mapping the path from a user landing on a homepage to becoming a paying subscriber.



Value Exchanges

Offering something of value (e.g., content, discounts) in exchange for user data or engagement.

Asking visitors to sign-in and share their first party data in exchange for an ad-free experience.

Visitor Journey Optimization

Enhancing the user’s experience at each stage of their journey to improve outcomes.

Communicating importance of ads and paywall for publishers to keep their business running.

Visitor Relationship Management (VRM)

A strategy for managing interactions with website visitors to enhance their experience and build long-term relationships.

A publisher uses a VRM platform like Admiral to better understand their visitors, increase subscriptions, and reduce losses due to ad blocker use.



Welcome Messages

Initial messages sent to users when they first engage with a product or service.

A friendly welcome email sent after a user registers on a website.



XML Integrations

The use of XML (Extensible Markup Language) to integrate and exchange data between different systems.

Integrating a content management system (CMS) with a CRM using XML.



Year-over-year Comparison (YoY)

A method of comparing statistics from one period to the same period in a previous year.

Comparing revenue from Q1 this year to Q1 last year to assess growth.

Yield Management

The process of adjusting prices or inventory to maximize revenue.

Adjusting ad pricing in real-time based on demand and inventory availability.

Yield Optimization

Techniques used to increase the efficiency and revenue of ad placements.

Using header bidding to ensure the highest possible bids for ad space.



Zero-party Dat

Data that a customer intentionally and proactively shares with a brand.

A user filling out a survey that collects preferences and interests.

Zero-risk Revenue Solutions

Revenue strategies that require no upfront investment or carry no financial risk.

Revenue-sharing models where payment is only made based on the performance or results.

Zigzag Marketing

A marketing approach that involves unexpected, creative strategies to engage customers.

Using unconventional social media campaigns to create buzz around a product launch.

Zone Mapping

The process of defining and optimizing specific areas on a webpage for content or ads.

Strategically placing ads in high-traffic zones on a site to increase visibility.




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